Systematic Investment Plan Calculator

How much you can invest through monthly SIP? (Rs)
How many months will you continue the SIP?
What rate of return do you expect? (% per annum)

Total SIP Amount Invested


Total Growth


Total Future Value
(Your SIP Investment Amount + Growth)


Schedule showing SIP Investments starting from

Dilemma for SIP Investors

  • Are the markets too high now & should I wait for some time?
  • What if I don't invest & markets go even higher,I will be left out?

In reality,markets always either go up or down therefore we are never sure which is the right time to invest. SIP solves this dilemma as it works on Rupee Cost Averaging.

How Rupee Cost Averaging works in SIP?

It is a process by which an investor invests certain amount of money at fixed periods of time, devoid of the price of the unit of an equity share. This method essentially mitigates the time factor and does not worry the investor with respect of investing in volatile markets.

Benefits of SIP Calculator

Benefits of Rupee Cost Averaging

  • It averages the cost of the units so that you can manage the cyclical up and down market movements.
  • Automatically,less units are bought when markets are at higher levels & more units are bought when markets are at lower levels.
  • Quite often tracking markets on a daily bases can be a tedious task - Rupee Cost Averaging basically neglects that aspect.

Other Benefits of SIP

Benefits of SIP